Zoning Check

Is your business type allowed at that site?

NOTE: Do not sign a lease until you've checked with the city to make sure the building can be used for your type of business.


Different business types are only allowed in certain parts of the city, and it is illegal to run a business in a building that is not permitted or zoned for that type of activity. Always check with the City’s Planning Department before signing a lease.

Contact the Planning Department to confirm that your business type works in that zoned area and specific location. It is helpful to select 2-3 locations that would be a good fit for your business before contacting the zoning department. Make sure to also ask about parking minimums for each location based on your business. If you haven’t already, you can read more about parking minimums on the Determine Property Type Page

Contact the Planning Department to confirm that your business type works in that zoned area and specific location.

Site Plan

The city requires you to provide a site plan showing the interior and exterior layout of the business. Draw out how you want the layout of your building. For small projects, you may be able to draw this yourself, working carefully with a pencil and ruler. For larger projects, though, we recommend hiring an architect to help you create these drawings. Have a look at this example drawing to understand what’s necessary.